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"My mission is to give voice to anxious women everywhere and to help them acknowledge and ease their anxieties. I provide women a safe place to turn when they’re feeling overwhelmed or afraid and offer them practical ways to face and calm their anxiety. By bringing light to the underserved community of anxious women, I empower as many women as I possibly can to create the calm centered lives they were born to live."   - Wendy Leeds

About Wendy's Work

“If women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety, why isn’t there a place specifically for them to address their particular needs?” 


“Why isn’t someone sharing the latest research on women’s anxiety?”

“Why isn’t anyone talking about the epidemic of women and anxiety in this country?”

As Wendy began to address her own anxiety she searched for resources for herself and other women to help deal with issues in anxiety that only women face, like PMS, pregnancy, menopause, cultural expectations and economic concerns. When she realized none of those things were available she set out to create them. Through this website, her meditation CD, a supportive online social community, her upcoming book Calm and Sense and the books that follow she is proud to offer places for women to share their fears and hopes without shame or judgement.

A diagnosis became a mission.

After being diagnosed with breast cancer, Wendy underwent several surgeries and six months of chemotherapy. It was at that low point that she began her life-long journey to create a calm, centered, joyful life, for herself and others. She began reading everything she could get her hands on about anxiety, and later went back to school to earn two graduate degrees in psychology.


Today, as a licensed mental health therapist, she has assembled an amazing collection of tools, tips and techniques for explaining how to cope with anxiety without medication. She uses many of these tools in her own life, and is passionate about sharing them with other women.




While located in the Greater Boston Massachusetts area, Wendy Leeds LMCH (Licensed Mental Health Counselor) is passionate about helping women everywhere ease their anxiety and create the peaceful, calm life they've always wanted. A therapist, an author, a speaker and a three-time cancer survivor, Wendy loves sharing her experiences and anxiety-busting techniques with any woman who suffers anxiety, worry or panic.

Wendy is highly skilled, motivational speaker with decades of experience in a wide variety of venues. She is available to speak to professional organizations, media outlets, universities, and educators in New England and the Northeast. She enjoys working with organizations to customize her talks to effectively connect with their members. 

For any anxious woman looking for ongoing comfort and support, join Wendy on Facebook, Instagram and You Tube.


Learn more about Wendy Leeds by getting to know
some of the amazing women who’s lives she’s touched.
Scroll over text to pause slideshow.

I’ve known Wendy Leeds professionally for nearly 10 years and have the utmost respect for her and her work.  Wendy has extensive knowledge, training and experience in the area of anxiety-related upsets in people’s lives and is passionate about helping in the recovery process.  Her recording is a gem and repeated listening to it will surely help anyone needing a calm and compassionate voice.


Wendy and I co-facilitated a women’s discussion group, so I have seen her in action. She speaks with authority, laugh-out-loud humor and a message that changes people’s lives for the better. I highly recommend her.

— Peg Doyle, Wellness and You

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